Be Patient

If there is any one out there who is reading my blog, be patient. I am working very hard on the novel these days and have not had time to think about what I want to post here. I’m also working with Dez, the wonderfully talented son-in-law of mine to set up a website. I’m posting photos to and commenting on the photos posted by those people that I’ve made contact with on that site. My days are full of stuff and the time literally slips by so quickly I have no idea where it has gone.

And I don’t quite have the hang of a blog yet. I don’t know if I ever will, really. There is a certain amount of letting go that I’m finding not so easy to do. Maybe I’m just a little too up-tight to let this thing be fun. I like the idea of a blog, but I still don’t know for what perpose. But I’ll hang in there and keep the ideas bouncing around in my head. I’m sure something will come of this.
