Today I am in the process of clearing my clutter. I know this morning I had the best of intentions about getting down to my writing, but then, well, what can I say, the spirit had left me by the time I got back home from the post office. So, I took a look around my work room and decided that lots of negative energy resides in my space and it is time to clear it away. My work space has become the place to dump everything that is hard to catagorize. If we didn’t know where to put something it would end up in my work room, just temporarily you understand while we figured out a better place for it. And I let it happen, week after week until I could no longer stand it.

Two weekends ago I started the process of clearing my clutter. It’s contagious. Now everything looks over run with things that are no longer needed or even wanted, so out it goes. A large bundle of fabric went to a friends house the other day. She was thrilled to get my discards and I was more than happy to get extra space in my closet.

So, why do I keep stuff that outlives its importance in my life? And why do I let things pile up? Oh, boy, now that would fill a blog or two. I won’t go into it here, but I can recommend a book for anyone who is interested in taking care of themselves and clearing away clutter at the same time. The book is CLEAR YOUR CLUTTER WITH FENG SHUI by Karen Kingston. It may not be what you need, though it certainly gave me a running start at my relationship with clutter.

And though the above picture does look so terribly unappealing, soon, I have to believe that soon, my study will once again be a great place where I can feel good about coming into my room and doing my thing. After all how can new thoughts and ideas come into the head if I’m always tripping over the old stuff in my life?


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