Last Saturday I had a great experience. I joined up with more than 150 other folks for a Flickr meetup at Hight Line Park in Manhattan. It was a brilliant sunny day perfect for a photographer. And it was a…
Author: Pushing Time
I'm an award-winning author who lives and writes in New York City. I'm also an avid photographer that drags not only my laptop, but also my Nikon where ever I go. I have an MFA in Writing from Sarah Lawrence College. Most of my work life has been in the mental health field, though for the last 10 years devoteI have devoted myself to writing fulltime and taking photographs.
It’s only been a couple of days since the Giants won the Super Bowl and I’m wondering what I’ll do now that there’s no football games to look forward to. I’m a new fan and I’ve never experienced this kind…
How To Cook A Wolf
This summer I read a book that’s been sitting on my bookshelf for years, “How to Cook a Wolf” by M.F.K. Fisher. I have seven of Fisher’s books and haven’t read any of them. There are a lot of books…
The other day we went to Chinatown to see what was going on for the Lunar New Year celebration. We knew it was a couple days too early to see the fireworks but the area was decked out in…
The Lunar New Year 4710 begins January 23, 2012. In the lunar system of Months, the new moon day is the first day of a lunar month. The length of a lunar month is the length of time between two new…
FROM BLOODLETTTER (the Sisters in Crime newsletter) Eight plotting women stood in the lobby of a building just around the corner from the largest diamond district in the world. They chatted about the weather, the wind was especially cruel that morning, and…
(Published in Literary Journal Global City Review, International 2002) It’s cold in the bedroom now that the air conditioner has dried out the New York August humidity. But still I cannot sleep, thinking about my early morning flight for what…
My daughter baked the flan pictured here. It was baked in muffin tins in what is called a ‘water bath’, which means that the pan containing the batter was placed into a larger pan with water. If you have…
Christmas in Manhattan
I took a walk the other evening to check out the Holiday lights in Manhattan. What surprised me was the limited decorations. Except for the areas where there is always some kind of visual holiday delight the rest of the…
Cardinal in the Park
I cannot wait to see the Cardinals coming back to the park again this winter. What a great scene!! Matted pairs of Cardinals frequently winter over in Vancortlandt park.